Most babies born this century will live to 100

That was the headline from a recent AP story. Depending on how the research goes, that could be a very conservative estimate. Here’s more from the article:

“James Vaupel of the Max Planck Institute in Germany and colleagues in Denmark examined studies published globally in 2004-2005 on numerous issues related to aging. They found life expectancy is increasing steadily in most countries, even beyond the limits of what scientists first thought possible. In Japan, for instance, which has the world’s longest life expectancy, more than half of the country’s 80-year-old women are expected to live to 90.

“Improvements in health care are leading to ever slowing rates of aging, challenging the idea that there is a fixed ceiling to human longevity,” said David Gems, an aging expert at University College London. Gems was not connected to the research, and is studying drugs that can lengthen the life span of mice, which may one day have applications for people.”

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Most babies born this century will live to 100