Salk Institute discovers longevity gene

Researchers in La Jolla, CA recently announced that they have “identified a critical gene that specifically links calorie restriction (CR) to longevity.” We already know that massively limiting the amount of calories one eats (caloric restriction) can extend life, but we can’t yet exactly explain why.
The gene, which encodes a protein called PHA-4, amplified longevity in CR worms when it was overexpressed and negated the life-extending benefits of CR in worms when it was knocked out. If scientists can use this knowledge to develop a drug to mimic the effects of CR, that would be revolutionary.

According to the press release, “So far, only one other gene, called sir-2, has been implicated in the life- and health-prolonging response to calorie restriction. Increased amounts of SIR-2 protein extend longevity of yeast, worms, and flies, but while loss of sir-2 disrupts the calorie restriction response only in yeast, it has no effect on other organisms, such as worms.”

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Salk Institute discovers longevity gene