The Clinton condom

China is not exactly a place where trademarks are effective, but nevertheless a Chinese bioscience company has registered trademarks for the new condoms it will make and sell. The names of the two condoms? Clinton and Lewinsky.


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The Clinton condom

One thought on “The Clinton condom

  • October 5, 2005 at 10:13 am

    ‘The condoms are here..the condoms are here!” Wasn’t that Steve Martin’s line from ‘The Jerk’? Well, after much anticipation, the Lewinski and Clinton condoms have arrived. It took a lot of wheedling to get these rubbers bounced from the FDA and Customs!

    They’ve been listed on a website and are being sold from the United States at and on eBay under seller ID slickwillyproducts. Just do an eBay search for ‘clinton condoms’. I see someone was attempting to sell a batch of phony condoms with Bill Clinton’s photo on them for $2,000. They were not the official Chinese condoms, however – just someone attempting to cash in on the PR….

    These Chinese condoms from Guangzhou are being sold for 12.95 plus shipping for a box of 12. The Lewinski’s are selling for less. Check it out – the website’s kind of amusing.

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