John Edwards can’t get enough of the “American People”

Dick Cheney did a great job last night reminding viewers that the adults are currently in office. John Edwards, on the other hand, was nervous and kept saying “The American People” over and over. For a hilarious take on Edward’s obsession with “The American People” see Rob Reid’s post on the Lead21 blog.

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John Edwards can’t get enough of the “American People”

2 thoughts on “John Edwards can’t get enough of the “American People”

  • October 21, 2004 at 12:17 pm

    Yes, we should definitely remember that “the adults” blatantly lied to us about why we invaded Iraq; they want to overturn Roe v. Wade, but Bush doesn’t have the guts to admit it (he hides it under “I won’t have a litmus test for judges”); he supports a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage (I thought we wanted to get government out of our hair, not add racist bigoted regulations; let alone a constitutional amendment); and, he is the biggest flip-flopper when it comes to the assult-weapons ban. To make things worse, the self-proclaimed “uniter” in the last election has done more to polarize the US than any president in history; God (or whatever religion you believe in or substitute some other word if you don’t believe in any; I don’t care) help us if he is re-elected as I fear the christian zealots who are backing him may make freedom of religion the next right we have disappear. I never thought I would say it, but this guy makes both Ronald Reagan and his father look like good presidents.

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