Why Outsourcing is Good for America

2 thoughts on “Why Outsourcing is Good for America

  • September 28, 2004 at 12:45 pm

    Sonia: What is with Lou Dobbs? I saw one of his recent shows and he was like a pit bull on this outsourcing issue. I’m sure he understands elementary economics (after all, he said all those nice things about the free market principles of PRI at our dinner a few years ago), so it just seems demagogic for him to rant on this issue just to up his ratings. You need to go on his show and straighten him out! Your article provides a great service of laying out the basic economics involved in outsourcing and tearing down the myth that outsourcing hurts the US in the long run. –Lance Izumi

  • October 7, 2004 at 3:28 pm

    I agree with Lance, Lou Dobbs should be recalled. unfortunately, his agruments make little sense. actually, his arguments make more sense then the Internet start-up he became CEO of, Space.com. but that too had a rhetoric and then went no-where.

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